Planet Formation and Evolution 2011

Payment options

Bank transfer

For international transcations, please use the following data:
  • Beneficiary: Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen
  • IBAN: DE04 2505 0000 0106 0344 08
  • Account number: 106034408
  • Bank code: 25050000
  • Bank: Norddeutsche Landesbank, Friedrichswall 10, 30159 Hannover, Germany
  • Reason for transfer: Your last and first name / 5312107016 / low-metallicity workshop
Make sure to replace "Your last and first name" with your actual name in the reason for transfer!

Credit card

For payment via credit card, a secured connection is provided here for the transfer of the credit card information. Note that you will need to accept a security exception, as the certificate was licensed for our institute rather than this webpage.